concept of overtime was stopped many years back, even senior employees forgot
the calculations, leave alone new comrades.
the benefit of all I hereby give the details of calculations with examples.
Overtime work shall be paid for at the rates
mentioned below:
Category of Employee
of hourly emoluments
Working Days
Working Days
two quarter hours of overtime work
@ 100
@ 100
four quarter hours of overtime work
@ 170
@ 170
four quarter hours of overtime work
@ 200
@ 170
of the overtime work
@ 200
@ 200
Subordinate Staff
four quarter hours of overtime work
@ 150
@ 150
four quarter hours of overtime work
@ 200
@ 170
of the overtime work
@ 200
@ 200
For the work done on Sundays and holidays to which he may be entitled, a workman (including a peon who is asked to work as a Watchman on such days) will be paid for the entire period of work at 200% of his hourly emoluments, unless any such day happens to be a working day for him.
For the purpose of calculating the amount payable
for overtime work -
work done for
less than one full quarter of an hour shall be deemed to be work done for
quarter of an hour.
expression emoluments shall mean aggregate of Basic pay, Special allowance (if
any), Officiating allowance (if any) and Dearness allowance.
iii. every month shall be deemed to consist of
150 working hours so that the monthly emoluments payable per hour will be
deemed to be 1/150th of the monthly emoluments, for all workmen.

An employee with basic pay of Rs8000 salary will be
Rs. 15992 including D.A
One hour salary = 15992/150=106.61
1. If he works 2 hours extra on Monday to Friday:
First two quarters=
Half an hour=106.61/2 @ 100%=53.30
Next four quarters=One hour =106.61@170% =181.23
Next two quarters=Half an hour =106.61/2@200% =106.61
Total O.T wages =341.14
2. If he works 2 hours extra on Saturdays:
First two quarters=
Half an hour=106.61/2 @ 100%=53.30
Next four quarters=One hour =106.61@170% =181.23
Next two quarters=Half an hour =106.61/2@170% =90.60
Total O.T wages =325.13
3. If he works 7 hours on a Sunday or Holidays:
Entire 7
hours will be paid @ 200%=106.61X7X(200/100)=1492.54
**If the employee is a senior with Basic Pay of Rs
Then he will get
Rs. 1011.90,964.41, 4427.24 as per above example.
(if we take Special allowance of SWO or Special
Assistant total will be still more)
Nowdays, Banks saves crore of rupees by not giving
overtime wages , but extracting work beyond normal working hours, threatening
employees in the name of Confirmation, Transers, and Promotions.
my bank's time is 9.00 am to 4.00 pm and i have forcefully worked up to 6.30 to 7.30 daily for last three years. even many days i have to stay up to 10.00pm.
When ever i asked to our leader he said that over time is not permissible in banks. then in such case what we should do
What about Officers?
U should deny to work till 7.30 or 10
In that case tell him straight away tell jaisi salary waisa kaam...chale jaya kar branch se time se zyada se zyada transfer karega us se zyada kuch nahin.
Anybody from BANK OF INDIA??
Bhai mera b m bhi yahi bolta tha ki overtime ni hota bank me isliye me ab 5:00 pm branch se nikal jata hu tum bhi time se nikal jaya karo
Clerk working hour in bank is 09:45 to 16:45 after that leave all work and pack up .no body will force u to work andno body will transfer u until u want.
Wat abt officers....
Yes sab bakwash band karo. what is about wage revision, we want that only and after that you will be thrown in the road. No need all of you. what you have done since last last two years.
Me from boi.. clerical cadre wt about man
Plz can anyone tell which settlement mention stoping overtime allowance for clerical carded though I think officers overtime allowances stopped around 1980s. The first settlement mentions to pay overtime but even our union leaders misguide us on this topic .. If there is any settlement which says to stop overtime to both clerical and officer then we should follow it but agar ye sirf ullu banana hai to this is called management at its best.
Can overtime payment paid in part if yes then rule
Overtime calculation for saturday & sunday at gross salary 28055 ,Help me out with it .Thanks
Is branch manager has the power to approve overtime pay??
how will calculate overtime for saturday & sunday due to demonetisation?
Working in canara bank as a clerk but had to do duties of two persons due to lack of staff what to do?
I m working in currency chest as clerk, I use to to branches for remittance and return back at late night after 8 pm. Can I get overtime
Overtime in bank is paid according to which act and which bps terms?
How to determine day end of branch?
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