Saturday, May 4, 2024

 What’s happening in Kotak Mahindra Bank?

May 4, 2024

Bank Workers Unity 

The fourth largest private sector bank viz. Kotak Mahindra Bank is in the news, recently, for all the wrong reasons.

It is an institution which is always in the good books of the Union Government.   In March 2017, Kotak Mahindra Bank launched an online digital savings account called Kotak 811, the number denoting the date on which Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced demonetisation in 2016, which according to Uday Kotak was “the day that changed India”.  Uday Kotak is the promoter and single largest shareholder of Kotak Mahindra Bank, with a 25.71 percent stake.  The Mumbai based Infina Finance promoted by the Bank donated electoral bonds worth Rs.60 crore to the BJP in three years from 2019 to 2021.  In 2018 the Bank dragged the RBI to Bombay High Court on the issue of shareholding of the promoter which ended in 2020 with the RBI yielding to the pressure and allowing the promoter to hold 26 percent of shares (to own a higher stake than what the regulator had stipulated earlier), but had voting rights capped at 15%. 

Presently, the RBI, on April 24, 2024 has prohibited the Bank from on boarding new customers through its online and mobile banking channels and issuing fresh credit cards, citing supervisory concerns.  According to the regulator, serious deficiencies and non-compliance were observed in various areas, including IT inventory management, patch and change management, user access management, vendor risk management, data security, data leak prevention strategy, business continuity, disaster recovery rigor and drill.  For two consecutive years the Bank was assessed to be deficient in its IT Risk and Information Security Governance and was found to be non-compliant with Corrective Action Plans issued by the RBI.  The compliance submitted by the Bank were found to be either inadequate, incorrect or not sustained.

The stricture of the RBI on the Bank would result in the inability of the lender to on-board new customers through its online and mobile banking channels and could severely impact the new retail customer additions for the bank, given its smaller branch network compared to peers and higher reliance on digital channels. 

The Bank’s overdependence on digital channels for on boarding new customers gets seriously affected due to the RBI’s stricture with its Kotak 811 zero balance digital savings accounts unable to add new customers.

All is not well within private banks which are known for their flamboyancy and adventurism.  Four years earlier Yes Bank, the new generation private bank, was on the verge of collapse and it was the SBI under advice from the RBI steadied the Bank with adequate investments and quality man power.  There are many such instances like the present one in Kotak Mahindra Bank which are overcome with the timely intervention and correction by the RBI and Public Sector Banks and, some people of India, advocate privatisation, oblivious to the ills of privatisation.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

 The General Insurance Council on Wednesday announced a drive aimed at making cashless hospitalisation available for policyholders even in non-empanelled hospitals. 

Hospitals with 15 beds, and registered with the respective state health authorities under the Clinical Establishment Act can offer cashless hospitalisation now. 

In the event of hospitalisation, policyholders need not pay for treatment out of their pockets as the expenses would be covered by the insurance companies concerned. This is subject to the claim being admissible, as per the council.

Under the drive 'Cashless Everywhere', efforts will be made to ensure that policyholders can get treated in any hospital they choose with a cashless facility, subject to certain conditions

The conditions include that the policy of the individual concerned is admissible and the insurance company should be informed 48 hours before hospitalisation in the non-empanelled hospital. There will also be the option of informing the insurance company within 48 hours of hospitalisation.

The council's Chairman Tapan Singhal said that if a policyholder chooses a hospital without such a pre-agreement, the cashless facility is not offered, and the customer has to go for a reimbursement claim, which further delays the claim process. This will be a thing of the past, he said, adding the objective is to ease the burden of policyholders who get treated in a hospital, not in the insurer's network.

Currently, cashless facilities are available only at about 40,000 empanelled hospitals, he said.

Singhal, also the chief executive of Bajaj Allianz General Insurance, said it has been the constant endeavour of the council to simplify the lives of policyholders and bring positive changes that benefit them.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

 Bank Workers' Unity

வங்கி ஊழியர்கள் ஒற்றுமை




Enhancement and expansion of the duties of Clerks would impact!

January 23, 2024

Bank Workers Unity


It is learnt through social media that the two Unions of workmen i.e. AIBEA & NCBE have entered into an understanding with the IBA (Indian Banks Association) in the meeting of working group to enhance the duties and responsibilities of the clerical cadre indiscriminately and disproportionately making them vulnerable and accountable. All the clerks including the probationers are to be assigned supervisory job right from day one and that too independently.

It has already been pointed out in the earlier article of Bank Workers’ Unity on 4th November 2023 that in the case of officers, all the three organizations participating in the negotiations namely AIBOC, INBOC, NOBO take part in all the meetings of the working groups which deal with the service conditions like leave, disciplinary action etc. Whereas in the case of workmen, only two Unions namely AIBEA and NCBE participate in the meetings of the working groups leavingout the other three other Unions namely BEFI, INBEF & NOBW.  

Enhancement of Duties and Responsibilities of Clerks

According to that understanding 

Single Window Operator A’s duties are proposed as under:

Passing power of cash cheque / other like instruments independently proposed to be increased from Rs. 10000/- to Rs.50000/- (5 times)

Clearing / transfer vouchers / other like instruments independently proposed to be increased from Rs. 15000/- to Rs.100000/- (more than 6 times)

Issuance of pre-signed DD etc. independently proposed to be increased from Rs.15000/- to Rs.50000/- (more than 3 times)

Cash receipt and authorization independently proposed to be increased from Rs. 15000/- to Rs.50000/- (more than 3 times)

Receipt of cash (Dedicated Cash Counters) – No limit

Clearing / transfer vouchers / other like instruments jointly with another Clerk / Officer more than Rs.1,00,000/- and less than and equal to Rs.2,00,000/- (New concept)

From this, it can be easily understood that the duties and responsibilities of Head Cashiers and Special Assistants would have also been steeply increased.

From the proposal, one can understand that out of the whole transactions more than 90% would fall within the powers of the Clerks either independently or jointly. Thus, the Clerks will have to perform supervisory job henceforth and manage the entire counter work either independently or along with another clerk.

Maker – Checker concept gone

The strength of the flawless Banking system is due to the Maker-Checker concept adopted since inception. That is, the Clerk used to initiate (make) the transactions and the Officer used to check and authorize them. The possibility of mistakes/frauds would be greatly eliminated due to this system.  Presently the independent power is limited from Rs. 10000/- to Rs. 15000/-. Now as per the new proposal, if a Clerk is independently assigned with huge powers, he/she alone has to post (make) and authorize (check).  Thus, the decades-old time-tested practice which led to flawless banking is given a go-bye for a large number of transactions. This will make the Clerks very much vulnerable.  Due to the pressure of time and volume, mistakes are likely to happen exposing the Clerks to disciplinary action besides instant recovery of money that may be lost due to inadvertent credit to a wrong account/ excess credit etc.

More than an officer’s job

With the independently assigned huge powers to the clerical cadre, they have to perform more than an officer’s job. Presently officers are not at all required to perform both the jobs of posting and authorizing cash/clearing /transfer/other like vouchers. They are required to only authorize whatever job initiated by the Clerks. But in this proposal Clerks are assigned with such an enormous power forcing them to perform more than an officer’s job with the clerical salary.

Expanding duties of Clerks

The duties and responsibilities of Clerks do not end here.  They further expand:

Capturing account holder signature

KYC, e-KYC (Know Your Customer)


Marketing including digital marketing and sensitizing customer about digital products/lending, Alternative delivery channels

Feeding data of credit proposals and loan products

Clearing, filling up ATM, Cash Deposit Machines and other similar machines and other related Alternate delivery channels

It was agreed to clarify and reiterate that the workman entrusted with duties attracting Special Pay is required to perform routine duties of his cadre.

Many of the duties hitherto assigned with the Officer cadre are now likely to be shifted to Clerical cadre according to this understanding. If this comes into force, hereafter the Clerks would be forced to go outside the premises to perform their jobs like marketing, recovery of loans etc. In that case, the counters will be left with no other person severely affecting the customer service. Further Clerks would be forced to complete the left-over jobs while they were away on duty. When the Clerks are in no way responsible for the loan sanctioned, they would be forced to go for recovery making them vulnerable.

Increased work load

With the heavy shortage, already the Clerks are suffering from huge work load.  With the expansion of their duties and increased powers and responsibilities, they would not be able to complete their job on time.  With the implementation of five-day banking, the working hours on all days are likely to increase by 40 minutes each day. Even today when they are forced to sit beyond their working hours by half-an hour to one hour, the extra 40 minutes will force them to stay further.  This would put the Clerks into greater strain and stress.

AIBEA CC seeks enhancement of the duties and responsibilities of workmen cadre

The Central Committee meeting of AIBEA held at Guwahati on 10th and 11th September 2023 has on the one hand observed that in many branches employees are unable to complete their daily routine work within the office hours and are compelled to sit late resulting in work-related stress and on the other hand decided that efforts should be made to make the workmen cadre more and more utility oriented with suitable enhancement of the duties and responsibilities. Normally only IBA used to place the demand for enhancement of the duties and responsibilities. But this time strangely the leadership of a particular Union is placing this demand.

Work-life balance of Clerks would be disturbed

The 12th Bipartite Settlement has many positive features like 17% increase in the pay-slip component, 5 days banking, improvement in leave rules, allowances etc. as understood.  The basic issues like merger of Special Allowance (this time with the accepted load of 3% in Basic Pay, Special Allowance is likely to increase from 16.4% to more than 25%), updation of pension, bringing all employees and officers covered by NPS (National Pension System) under defined Old Pension Scheme, merger at a higher point of Consumer Price Index etc. remain to be addressed.

Additionally, the increased powers & responsibilities and expansion of duties of Clerks, as proposed, will have serious negative impact.  The work-life balance of Clerks would be disturbed and is likely to increase their work-related stress multi-fold. If this would be the state of affairs of Clerks, the position of the Officers would be more pathetic. Hence, we appeal to the UFBU leaders to resist increased duties & responsibilities and expanded duties of the Clerks in the interest of all.



Sunday, January 14, 2024

 Without 5 days banking announcement from Govt,

Bipartite settlement will not be signed.


Convenor UFBU

Saturday, January 13, 2024

 *The Cost Sheet for 9th Joint Note/12th bipartite settlement was signed between Officers Associations, Workmen Unions and Indian Banks Association today i.e 12/01/24 at IBA office.*

Rupam Roy



Yes, 12th B. P. S negotiation is over.

Only Documentation part is remaining .

Full fledged settlement may be signed shortly.

Arrears for 15 months only🤪🤪

I know you will ask the popular question on "5 day banking".

Answer is the same. It is pending with G. O. I/DFS.

Hope they will give their approval at the earliest.

Let the details come out.

Will review later on.

Friday, January 12, 2024

 Dear Comrades,

Core committee meeting with workmen unions was held on 9th jan and with officers associations on 11th Jan. 

Today a meeting with the Negotiating committee was held. 

Most of the issues including pay scale have been finalised. 

Cost allocation to various components are being worked out and the final cost sheet will be signed in the next few days. 

We will furnish the details after signing the cost sheet. Units and members are requested to await till then. 

We are moving towards signing the final settlement.  Maintain your unity. 

Covenor UFBU